presidential candidate that hasn't been invited to any of the recent presidential debates know he's hit bottom? ask buddy roemer whose campaign currently looks more like a one-man show. there's an account of his recent attendance at an occupy rally up in new hampshire. "the rally was scheduled to start at 6:00, so roemer arrived at the park 15 minutes early with two of his aides. the temperature was below freezing. finally, at 6:15, roemer's director of scheduling looked at his watch and realized his boss' parking meter was about to run out. roemer had already received four $20 tickets in the past month. fearful of more tickets, his staff had taken to pausing its work every two hours to refill the meter. governor, we better deal with your car now, the scheduling director said. okay, said the governor, let's call it a night. there's no audience here anyway." well, not quite the image you usually associate with a presidential campaign, is it? i think calling it a night might apply to the roemer campaign itself. up next, from the sideshow