said a whopping 9% of americans wanted him to be president. 9%. the time at which he was most known by the american people was not only a time at which he was greatly disliked. he was also the stuff of nightmares, almost literally. in the same "time" magazine poll which i said was 1996, it was actually 1995, sorry. the same "time" magazine poll, 1995, 49% of americans chose the adjective scary to describe their feelings about newt gingrich. that actual word, scary. but now he's back. tomorrow night there is a $1,000 a head fund-raiser for gingrich in washington hosted by k. street lobbyists, one lobbyist, robert livingston who succeeded gingrich as speaker-elect and was forced to resign from a sex scandal a few weeks later. he's a successful lobbyist. his house seat went on to david vitter, the hooker guy, got bob livingston's seat after his sex scandal who got newt gingrich's speakership after his scandal. hooker scandal guy is a senator