forward. >> let me ask you about politics. herman cain, big political story on the republican side of the ledger, he is out now. what impact does he have on this race? >> i don't know. i'll let mr. priebus discuss that. i don't pretend to be an expert on republican politics. >> do you think his position in the race has ultimately helped the president's cause? there was a kind of reality television aspect to certainly his speech yesterday. >> i don't -- >> in the aspect of his campaign. >> you know, my general view is, i don't think the republican debates have helped the republican -- the republican cause because it has elevated ideas i don't think the american people embrace. i don't think the american people think that the way forward is to continue to give tax breaks to the people at the very top. , shift the burden to the middle class and people are trying to become middle class, cut regulation on wall street and let them write their own rules as they were doing before the crisis. and that's what we keep hearing from all these candidates.

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