led by doctors hal fillinger and molly depena, the medical examiner's office launched an investigation. interviewing neighbors, family members and as many doctors as they could find. and what they discovered was disturbing. >> they went to talk to the noes' doctor, dr. gangemi. a physician the noes loved. they had no idea what he was telling the medical examiner in his investigation was of the extreme suspicion of the noes. he described her as being possibly schizophrenic, possibly psychotic. and he really had grave questions about her mental capacities. >> investigators with the medical examiner's office also learned that marie noe claimed to have been raped, at least twice. once when she was pregnant with her first child, and a second time, exactly nine months before the birth of her fourth child. >> she was found by her husband, tied up in his neckties in their closet and claiming that somebody had come, that jumped out of the closet, surprised