going to spend more at the grocery store, they're going to spend more at target. they're going to spend more buying books for their kids. whatever it may be. that's a lot of money, and that's something that cannot only help people get by, but it can help stimulate the economy on an every day and real basis. >> just so people are clear, if we extent the current tax cut, which is -- it would be $1,000 in the pockets of people paying 50,000. if they increase it, it would be 1,500. you're right. i want to make sure. because we have two numbers. do you think that, let me sort of get on the other side of this question, which is if we're going to say, as i as a liberal, i'm going to say the republicans are being hypocrats, then maybe i should be opposing it because it's a republican policy. is there a problem with a democratic president running primarily on tax cuts, choz