associated with her in any forum would be damaging to you? >> no. i thought at the time -- look, i was a private citizen. i wasn't contemplating public life. >> meanwhile, the guy that is tied with mr. gingrich at the top of the poll, mitt romney, his campaign is fighting back by an ad we showed you yesterday, the one released by the democratic national committee called "mitt versus mitt" that portrays romney as a flip-flopper. >> from the creator of "i'm running for office for pete's sake" comes the story of two men trapped in one body, "mitt vs mitt." >> i will preserve and protect a woman's right to choose. the right next step is to see roe v. wade overturned. >> two mitts willing to say anything. >> we've put together an exchange and the president's copying that idea. i'm glad to hear that. obama care is bad news. >> see it all at >> so, that's the ad that came out yesterday and the obama campaign went as far as sending out a message from the president's own twitter account,