joining me tonight. you stay with us. we will give you more on the breaking news on the accuser against herman cain and the herman cain reality show. and i'll give you some american reality, a mixture. the gloves are off. the new frontrunner, newt gingrich, attacked willard today. plus, nothing is sacred when it comes to republicans. but death, taxes and hypocrisy on taxes. i can't believe they're saying it with a straight face. and lawmakers come and go. but few transform america the way congressman barney frank has. he announced his retirement today. you're watching "politics nation" on msnbc. [ sniffs ] i have a cold. [ sniffs ] i took dayquil but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is, dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms,