nearly rescued at a local the three are stopped by a police detective who wants elizabeth to take off the veil mitchell has made her wear. the detective wants to see if the girl behind the veil is the missing elizabeth smart. mitchell ultimately convinces the detective that the young girl is not the one he is looking for. elizabeth later testifies about watching the detective leave. >> i felt hopeless walking out the door. i was mad at myself that i didn't say anything. i was mad at myself for just not taking the chance. i just felt like it was so close. i was just so -- i felt terrible. i felt terrible that the detective had not pushed harder. that he had just walked away. i felt upset with myself that i had not said anything, done anything, that i had not taken the chance. i was just very upset. the three leave town on a bus heading towards southern california. >> can you describe your feelings for the jury when you were on that bus? >> i felt like i was being sentenced to 20 more years. i felt like the chances of me being found in california had