coming from mitt romney whose entire campaign is based on the notion that obama is failing at everything he's doing, including foreign policy. second, that was the first time, and we've had 11 debates, they have been in them together, probably eight of these debates, that huntsman has been able to get under mitt romney's skin. mitt romney, you know, laid back position towards huntsman is, you know, when it -- when he says something to me i'll say that's fine and move on because he doesn't matter. huntsman needs to be able to rattle romney, to get under romney's skin because his only path to anything right now is through new hampshire, and right now that's mitt romney's state. >> jonathan, i think mitt romney violated an attorney's cardinal rule last night. he asked a question that he didn't know the answer to. he actually set up jon huntsman by asking him what exactly is your proposal, and that's where huntsman was able to tee off. >> well, also romney is using