to that he'd add sweetened water. the amount of water it make it undetectable by the human tongue, the amount to dilute it to make it not spicy at all, that gave you the amount of how much capsaicin was in thing you're measuring. excuse me, this is not a gag about spiciness. it's just me cat coughing on live tv. excuse me. the measure of spiciness because of this method that scoville came up for measuring it became forever known as the scoville unit. it's named for wilbur scoville.ç we have more precise ways to measure spiciness now, but essentially when people talk about heat and the human pain caused by spiciness, we still think in terms of scoville units. this is the scoville scale. down there at zero scoville heat units is the sweet bell pepper. you can eat those puppies like apples. you might find it disgusting. i personally hate bell peppers. it's not a spicy experience.