out there. >> well, in fact, the social conservative leadership in this state is meeting today to see if they can coalesce behind one candidate. >> i see. >> which is what they did with huckabee four years ago. and you're right. there is no huckabee on the stage now. that movement is chopped up among a variety of candidates. nobody has been able to pull together to be the alternative to mitt romney. i think it's very telling. not every republican caucusgoer is a social conservative. and, in fact, there's a substantial number who are not. that's potential for romney to harness that support. >> how many people in your caucuses are strategic voters? i'm not sure i've ever met one. by that i meet somebody, a man or woman, who goes in -- democrat or republican, who goes into the voting booth who says, i'm not going to vote the person i like but i'm going to vote the person i think can win. >> oh, i think there are a lot of them who are, chris.