too smart. >> his thinks that he can go and negotiate because of his great debating skills -- as a matter of fact, his thinking that he's the smartest guy in the room has hurt america around the world, particularly when it comes to foreign policy. i think mentality of i'm the smartest guy in the room and therefore it couldn't be my fault is really hurting america. >> alex, i take that as a promise from rick perry to never think he's the smartest guy. >> and to always be the dumbest guy in the room. a rick perry for 2013. it is practically an ad. it is an effort to rehabilitate his image. he's got a long climb ahead of him. i think attacking president obama for being smart and intelligent to me seems like a losing proposition. but when you are rick perry at this point you are grasping at anything. >> howard? >> to be fair to rick perry he didn't say that obama is the