does me say poll surge make you think of herman cain. >> newt gingrich is doing very well and mitt romney and romney apparently tied. that's a tough decision right there. [ laughter ] it is funny, because romney is the mormon. and newt gingrich is the one with three wives. it's odd. >> it makes sense gingrich is rising. he's the only candidate who appears to be made of dough. >> mostly people think he is moving up in the polls, his strategy has been to avoid mistakes and play it safe. a lot of other republicans have been making mistakes and he's been avoiding gaffes but judging by newt's latest, i think he is maybe being too cautious. >> i'm newt gingrich. i worked with president reagan. >> herman cain having a rough couple of weeks. it was all over the news. herman cain couldn't answer a basic question about libya. yeah. all cain could say is i believe