welcome back to msnbc. i'm thomas roberts. here's a look at some other stories topping the news now. the secret service is investigating a bullet that hit a white house window. two rounds of ammunition were found and officials are trying to determine if this is connected to friday's reports of nearby gunfire and recovery of a rifle. let's bring in nbc justice correspondent pete williams. he joins us from washington. what's the latest on the story and the possibility of theseรง suspects from friday? >> reporter: the shots were fired -- they're looking into, were fired from a moving car on friday night from constitution avenue, about a half to a third of a mile south of the white house, about seven or eight football fields away. nobody was hurt, the president was out of-team town. but the police found the car. the rifle was left behind. authorities shayuth chased it to a drifter who's from idaho

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