east carolina university is on lockdown at the moment. there's a person armed with a gun seen on campus there. the website sighing the person was spotted on fifth street. the campus is located near greenville, north carolina. east carolina university on lockdown. we'll watch it for you right here. the u.s. secret service is looking for a 21-year-old man it believes may be responsible for firing shots at the white house that damaged a window last week. nbc's pete williams has the details from washington this morning. it might shock some to understand that bullets were sitting right there on the white house grounds. >> reporter: especially given the distance here, more than half a mile away. and when this happened friday night, it didn't seem to involve the white house. the shots were fired from a moving car. this was sort of a rash thing to do. the car was driving down constitution avenue about a third of a mile south of the white house. that's at least seven football fields away. nobody was hurt. the president wasn't there. he was out of town in california. but investigators found the car a short time later. the driver had run off but left