wrong, the world will fall down on their heads. actually, it's much, much worse if they cover up and protect. don't disdisclose. i don't know how you change that. you have to go and hit really hard and enforce really hard when it comes to light. my question here, and i -- having read that grand jury report, what totally astonishes me is in 1998 there was an investigation involving again a kid from this program, taken into the shower. there was a conversation that was reported by both the detective and mother with sandusky. he said, i did something wrong. and i feel like i want to die. well, that just went nowhere. why didn't the school immediately do something? i'm not saying only to sandusky but to make sure those showers were not available for sexually molesting children or other misconduct? all kinds of steps that could have been taken. both with regard to sandusky and with regard to the protection of