>> there will probably be others, not because i am aware of any. >> michael sheerer has been writing about this for "the new york times." good afternoon. you wrote about the cain campaign going all out to undermine bialek's credibility. give us some specifics. >> well, what they've done sort of throughout the course of the last couple days is as soon as miss bialek came forward was to ship around to reporters and to supporters allegations that she had been involved in multiple lawsuits, that she had financial problems, had declared bankruptcy, all in an effort i guess to sort of buttress the claim that mr. cain made during his press conference, which is that we should all consider the financial implications of maybe she's doing this for the money. she said on this network earlier today that's not the case, but that's clearly what the cain campaign was trying to do was to put at least a seed of doubt in people's minds about why she might be saying these things.