favorite in ohio. but the former quarterback never won a championship with the cleveland browns. in fact, he led the team to three heartbreaking championship losses in the 1980s. cleveland fans, well, they're still not over that yet. kasich, you see, i don't blame the guy. i mean, he's trying to come across as a joe lunchpail, joy lunch bucket kind of guy. but the former lehman brothers manager and fox news host is about as blue collar as the queen of england. even kasich's spokesman acknowledges the governor's, well, not a very good -- blown play here. "every once in a while you hook one wide left." he should have put on there, no pun intended with left. but issue 2 supporters are still fighting despite kasich's blunder. the "washington post" reports, "right wing groups are pouring more than $2 million into tv ads in the final days." issue 2 opponents are responding with an ad featuring apollo astronaut and former united states senator from ohio john glenn.