official today, probably january 10th. what's happening there? >> well, mitt romney has the overwhelming lead in new hampshire. our recent nbc marist poll had him at 44% higher than all other candidates. he's the very big leader in that race. but does he also make a play in iowa? >> we have seen that jon huntsman was pretty much putting all of his eggs in the new hampshire basket. i don't know if you were watching yesterday, mark, we had the huntsman daughters, this internet sensation that they've become. now he's trying to maybe make a play in south carolina. >> that's right. he moved his campaign to new hampshire but he's in south carolina today. we has a lot of ground to make up across the country and also in south carolina, he was just at 1% there. so he's really trying to make up a lot of ground. >> and finally, herman cain is in virginia today. of course, it's all going to be about the sexual harassment charges.