settlement dealing with mr. cain. >> you understand how that sounds? >> yes, i do. >> jackie combs. >> well, i don't think a campaign manager's assurance ever assured anybody if they had any doubts that the story was true. it's going to have to have a better answer than that. >> dan, this is coming at a week when the des moines register poll saturday confirming what all. other polls are showing, that cain is becoming the romney alternative, this week his big d.c. rollout, establishment institution, not the anti-establishment, doing that meet and greet with members of congress tomorrow. all this sort of blows it up. >> absolutely. i think he biwill now spend the week defending himself against these accusations. i think what's interesting is when you look at the difference of what he said yesterday, the difference is the question is different. what mark block is saying is that herman cain says he has never sexually harassed anybody. but when asked by jonathan martin have you ever been