for his campaign to reelect him. >> the reason that i think obama has not been as successful, if you want to call it success as elizabeth warren in taking out that territory is because obama understands the limits. he understands what is fair to criticize wall street for. and elizabeth warren has gone beyond the pail. >> steve is absolutely correct. there are a lot of people on wall street unhappy with the president. and there are a lot of people who raised a lot of money for him in 2008 who are raising money for mitt romney. that is a fact. at the same time, joe is correct. those dnc dollars happen at dinners that barack obama has. the people who write those $38,000 checks are sitting -- are paying that money to be with the president -- >> as he says -- as he speaks -- so i can win. >> romney cannot collect checks right now. >> you cannot say the dnc money that barack obama raises at fundraising events are not