platform to discuss how dangerous this could be for mississippi women. you know, taking control away from mississippi women and i think that they deserve to make their own decisions about their health care, with their doctors, you know, and have all the options that, you know, other people in america have. >> you are obviously a very strong person and it's impossible to imagine you being intimidated by anybody i think at this point in your life. you just don't seem capable of it. >> maybe so. >> i wonder if more broadly if there's an intimidation factor that goes along with speaking out against this. is that an issue for people who might be against this personhood amendment in mississippi? >> well, sure. it's been really hard for a lot of mississippians who stand up and say they're against this initiative because the mainstream conservative mississippi people just immediately said, oh, yes, sounds like a good idea, because on the surface it looks like it's about abortion and, you know, that sort of thing, but