first time in history. americans owe more money for student loans than they do on credit cards. rising education costs, inflation and more people going back to school for training as they are unable to find jobs. enough of the real news. let's huddle up around the water cooler and go back to burbank. president obama sat down with jay leno. among the topics, the president's impromptu visit the other day to a southern california racicot's chicken and waffles. there he is right there. leno and the president talking a little wings and waffles on "the tonight show." >> now, i think you order the country boy special. what is that? >> wings and waffles. with hot sauce. >> so fried chicken wings, waffles with syrup and hot sauce. now is michelle -- >> originally, it was a way to, you know, be out there and say hi to everybody. but once we got in the car, it smelled pretty good.

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