>> they have tried to ignore foreign spoil all together. >> when they asked me who is the president of u bekka afghanistan, i am going to say, i don't know. do you know? >> when in doubt, they have gone with trying to say nice things about israel. >> if you mess with israel, you are messing with the united states of america. >> it is time to change our policy of appeasement towards the palestinians to strengthen our ties with the nation of israel. >> israel is our greatest ally. >> as deliciously satisfying as it might be to watch republicans squirm in the presence of democratic successes in the war on terror, there is another side to the coin. if they find it hard to come up with uch substantive to criticize, doesn't that mean us progressives don't have much to crow about either? barack obama once famously said that he didn't just want to end the war but the mind-set that