much, but france and fwlaenglan. >> i especially appreciate the leadership of the british and the french in this. >> what the [ bleep ] is wrong with you, people? honestly. what? what is wrong with you? >> as a candidate for president, i pledge to bring the war in iraq to a responsible end. after nearly nine years, america's war in iraq will be over. >> i hope that you grant us a little levity at the end of a long week, but still serious questions about what this means for the president abroad and his agenda at home. let's bring back in goldie taylor and karen finney. karen, can i ask you this question? just as the president has been, in effect, made impotent as he's tried to pass his jobs bill through the congress, do you think that republicans were also hoping, hoping that his foreign policy would also fail? >> absolutely, no question. which is why, again, they've