among the most korve conservative voters polled, they're those who are most likely to show up and vote, rick perry was leading romney. he has $15 million packed away and has a smart team. they're going to be targeted in iowa where they have upside opportunity. i don't count him out at all. i think there will be a second act to the perry campaign. >> john, with the polling mark just cite ing d, romney has to do everything he can to keep herman cain in the race. buy books. he's buying herman cain books. >> cain's buying his own book and romney who famously bought his own book back in the day doing the same thing. look, they are propping herman cain up. go to the spin room at the debate as i did last night and hear the romney people. you were disparaging my friend, stewart. i'm joking, i'm joking. >> he's a friend of mine. ignore what he says about his guy. >> all of those guys sat back there last night and said, you know, rick perry desperate --