and in 2008, of course, with all those shenanigans going on, we ended up having a collapse of the only scale that could dwarf the enron scandal. one created entirely on wall street by possibly criminal and very at least negligent reckless behavior by totally deregulated financial institutions. instead of the embarrassment of enron field this time, it was the embarrassment of citi field. its multizillion dollar profits off of playing casino with sham mortgages on houses like these, playing casino of the lives of the families who once lived in these homes. in the midst of that collapse in 2008, a presidential election was held in a democratic house and a democratic senate and democratic president were all elected. despite great gnashing of teeth by the republicans, the democrats did manage to pass a fair package of new regulations on wall street called dodd/frank. i say fair to middling because it could have been a lot tougher than it was. they probably could have nationalized the banks and maybe