shoestring campaign, he spent tons of time in iowa. you have to go to these states if you want to win them. herman cain is not doing that. >> to be continued. thanks so much, chris. >> thank you. now to new hampshire, one of the early states. jon huntsman is boycotting tonight's nevada debate to protest them raising dates. we are here in new hampshire, i'm not selling books. i'm not looking for a radio program. i'm just looking to save america, a country i love. >> you're looking to save america, but is there any proof that any nominee has ever won with a one-state strategy? you're not going to iowa, you're not going to any of the other states. even though you're in new hampshire, putting all your money in new hampshire, you're dead last in the polling in new hampshire. how will you make this happen? >> our numbers in new hampshire have moved up from zero.