should be coalescing around a front-runner. all of this goes to president obama. here's why. by necessity, because of the primary states and how they line up, mitt romney will have to answer to the tea partiers that herman cain speaks to now. every time he does that, he's just giving another bullet for the president to use against him if he turns out to be the nominee in the general election. we see the drama playing out in washington where republicans in congress are going to be forced to vote no over and over and over again. they will vote know. we know that they don't want the economy to improve. it won't help them in the political ends. so they'll vote no, no, no. >> remember, this is a bill the democrats didn't approve. >> let's step away from the jobs bill and those issues. i want to stick to the debate tonight. you brought up the issue of tea party support. joe, perry doesn't do well in dedad deba debates. he was tea-supported candidate, but he can't stand down at this level, so if he doesn't do well