quick snap on somebody. real quick. no problem, don't worry about nothing. he keep me out of it, cool. >> despite the fact there was sort of a mentor relationship, you could see that cousin ice couldn't totally impart all that he had learned in his careers on to duker. >> new generation. >> check all you old folks out. >> fisher told us that gang-banging has changed since he was thompson's age. >> we just wanted to protect our side of town. you know what i mean? i mean, none of us owned nothing over there. but we called it our side of town. when i was 18 there wasn't -- you heard about somebody getting shot maybe once every three months. now, it's every day somebody's getting shot. >> dinell thompson can attest to that. he's been shot eight times. >> i ain't scared of death, though. death's scared of me. >> prosecutors allege thompson has been on the other side of the gun plenty of times. besides the murder convictions he's currently appealing, thompson was charged with three additional drive-by murders while we were at maricopa.