he's been a little less, you know, willing to go and throw all the red meat out there, unlike in 2008. so that's why we're calling him a moderate. but when you look at his actual positions on every issue, right down the line, you know, what they're going to build the republican party platform on next september, i really don't see any differences between what the mitt romney republican party platform would look like next september and what the rick perry or even michele bachmann republican party platform would look like. you know, he's got the health care thing in massachusetts, but the mitt romney platform is going to say that obama care is a socialistic abomination and it needs to be repealed, because it's killing jobs and freedom, just like the michele bachmann one would. so this is not, you know, nelson rockefeller against barry goldwater. this is really just a question of, does the tea party, does the conservative base of the republican party, you know, feel that they can trust and have confidence in romney to be that same conservative as president, versus moderate, saying, you know, we think he's faking it. >> well, matt kibbe doesn't. the man's sitting right here and doesn't have any confidence in the guy. >> well, think about the other thing that's going on is the senate is in play, and there are a historic number of targets that we can go after as tea partiers, not just in a general, where we think we'll pick up enough seats to take the senate, but in the primaries. >> so you think you can control the next president, no matter who he is? >> you're going to have a more