i think president obama himself is the clearest example of west's definition of american exceptionalism, isn't he, when you think about it? look where he is. and now for the big number. it might come as no surprise in this fall's gop debate since rick perry, who was dealt the most verbal punches by the other candidates. that's right, he played the role of piñata more often than all the other candidates combined. but, here's a shocker. who do you think threw the most punches at him? it was jon huntsman, with how many attacks on his opponents? 19. unfortunately for huntsman, the whacks don't seem to have provided much momentum given his blaze in the polls. 19 times at bat for jon huntsman and that's tonight's big number. up next, will mitt romney kill the tea party? if the republicans nominate romney, think about it, there's talk among conservatives of a possible third party challenge from the right. and that's ahead tonight on "hardball." you're watching only on msnbc. but with advair, i'm breathing better