grass roots and a lot of folks say, well, that's not true because they are not picking anybody but that's the point. they are taking their type. they are looking more carefully, and they are putting some things out there that are making these guys and gal, you know, run pretty hard, so i think from that standpoint it's going to be interesting, but having florida move up the calendar that they have, now you've got iowa going january 3rd, i think the schedule plays much stronger to mitt romney, and if he has another debate performance like he did last night, you can pretty much stick a fork in this thing. >> what do you think, jonathan? >> michael, i want to ask you, you know, watching governor perry last night was like watching the incredibly shrinking man the longer that went on. >> yeah. >> he's got $17 million in the bank so he's not out of this unless he wants to be out of it. my question is at what point will governor perry have to deal forthrightly with the rock controversy and race and with reverend jeffress and the mormon issue?