talk about the report that says our afghan allies are systematically torturing -- >> this is a horrific story. >> the people we are fighting for are systematically torturing captives. that is the lead story in "the times." we need to get to that. also, libya, also, reports it's a lot harder to depose gadhafi and his supporters than we thought. >> and egypt shows after you depose it is a lot harder to get things right than people thought. the arab spring is running into rough moments. >> no doubt. >> coming up we'll bring in former new york governor george pataki. also charlie rose will be on the show today isn't he moderating the debate tonight? >> yes he is. "the washington post" columnist eugene robinson and former dnc chair howard dean. after the break politico's top stories of the morning. first to bill karins for a check on the forecast. good morning everyone. what a beautiful day yesterday throughout much of the great lakes, midwest. all the way through the eastern seaboard with the exception of