convicted of a domestic violent crime. >> it's generally set up for someone to a low to a medium security inmate. we look for someone who's feeling that they want to show a commitment to a program, they want to see it through. >> upon entry to the recovery center, inmates are greeted by an elaborate koi fish pond and waterfall, with housing units equipped with clean carpets, air-conditioning, and lots of windows for sunshine. the only physical remnants of jail is the perimeter fence and razor wire. >> to just be a happier person. i have a lot of hope today. i never had hope before. i know as soon as i'm done with this program i'll be one happy person. >> 24-year-old inmate and drug addict anthony trujillo has been in the impact drug treatment program for 90 days. >> i was skeptical at first. i mean, i came in with the attitude of, you know, asking