yelling. >> when you don't know a couple really well or you are not inside their home with them all the time, it is hard to explain. i had just come home from work. i was standing out front getting the mail out of the mailbox. anna pulled in. i happened to notice i heard the car pull in next door. she was i guess coming home too. got out and came into the house. she no more than got in there and there was some yelling, not screaming, just yelling back and forth. i could tell it was her and ken. then, after, i don't know, a few seconds of yelling or whatever, something broke. it sounded like something hit the wall. you see these movies where somebody throws a vase or whatever. then, she came kind of walking very fast, very agitated, got in her car, started it up and started to back out. >> and her son burst out the door and said, mommy, don't go, don't go. you don't have to go. >> still, everybody has fights sometimes. so it hardly seemed likely that this neighbor and what he saw were about to move center stage