>> david, there's a difference though. the republicans are still in search of a leader. democrats have a leader whhas said what he would try to do. republicans seem to be pulling the rug out from under latinos who want to have that american dream, and what they, i think they're failing to understand is that if they don't stop the shouting and talk about how you're going to give people the american dream, they're in jeopardy, not just of losing latino voters and a lot of new citizens, in just in this election coming up, but for a long time to come. if you take a look at southwest, the future of the southwest, and the future presidents who win the southwest are going to know how to approach the latino vote. >> mike murphy, let's look at these stats from the census bureau as reported by "the wall street journal." these are stes with the exception of missouri, that were carried by obama, in 2008. this is the percent increase in voting age hispanics between '08 and' 10. florida, you see, it's higher. virginia almost 20% as we pointed out. north carolina, up over 30, almost 31%.