that rick perry said he could cross. so mitt romney this time, his second big fund raising quarter still has more than rick perry, that's going to be a tough narrative for rick perry. he was in texas getting all of his low-hanging fruit money, the easier checks. the people were waiting to support him. didn't have the full three months. but it was very important for him to make a big start. in the next couple of days, that's what people will be watching. michele bauchmann says she's going to disclose her money at the last possible day they can wait until october 15th. she says she's going to. it might be a hint of how much money she has. and money will be a big factor for chris christie. we're told that chris christie needs to decide within the week whether he's going to go. and his backers, these people you've been talking about. hedge funders and others, they've promised him that they will form a super pack for him. an outside organization that can take unlimited funds to give him a big head start as he tries to