toll at air shows and air races. >> we still have accidents and we'll continue to have accidents in the air show industry. because we are trying so hard to entertain, to show people maneuvers they've never seen before and just keep pushing the edge, pushing the edge. >> when "caught on camera: flying on the edge" continues. [ kristy ] my mom is well...weird. she won't eat eggs without hot sauce. she has kind of funny looking toes. she's always touching my hair. and she does this dancing finger thing. [ male announcer ] with advanced technology from ge, now doctors can diagnose diseases like breast cancer on a cellular level. so that women, like kristy's mom, can get personalized treatment that's as unique as she is. [ kristy ] she's definitely not like other moms. yeah, my mom is pretty weird. ♪ that's me with the blow dryer and the flat iron until i see smoke.

Related Keywords

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