i think people have been expecting this for the last ten months or so. i think we're ready. i think those cases will be very isolated. >> let me go back to josh seefried, founder of outserve and author of this new book out today "our time: breaking the silence of don't ask, don't tell," with names and faces and real stories of people who are openly gay serving in the military as of today. josh, thinking about serving in the air force right now, is a person who is on active duty and who is now newly really not anonymous. will it be difficult not to be anonymous as an activist? you're out in the air force as a gay man but also out in the air force as somebody who was an activist to get this policy change. is this going to affect your ability to fit in with your unit? >> absolutely not. when i go back to work, i'm going to go back in there and do a good job, that i was signed up to do, that i raised my right hand for. that's the united states air