political move. what do you think? >> well, the people in the white house will tell you that in their polling this idea of the buffet tax, the tax on the highest earners, a 70/30 issue. very popular. the problem is that even if nothing passes, even if nothing actually happens, this talk will not help bring business money off the sidelines, which is what the president desperately needs for a better economy. so yes. it's good politics. yes it's good rhetoric. there is a real question about whether it will change the economic conditions which is what he really needs. but they're going after this. the president's campaign manager blasted out a campaign e-mail yesterday talking about class warfare right in the subject line and making clear that they think that this is a fight that can rally their base and as you say maybe bring in some of the struggling folks in the center. >> like republicans have already said time and time again they're not going to do anything that raises taxes. is there something in the plan that the president announced yesterday that he feels like