actually had the highest marginal tax rates. if you look at five best years since 1950, you'll find tax rates above 70 at the highest marginal rate. >> the highest bar there is in the 75% to 80% top tax bracket. that's when you really saw job creation just roaring along. >> that little tiny red line, the little itty bitty one with the no job creation, that's where we are now. very, very low top marginal rate, very, very low job creation. i don't want to go too far. it's important to say we don't want extremely high marginal tax rates. they do discourage work. we don't think taxes in general are great for the economy, neither are spending cuts on things like unemployment insurance. we find taxes are not the driving factor behind the economy. republicans have a tendency to make taxes seem monocausal, that the economy is a simple formula. one end of the formula is taxes.