it was explained to me exactly why the design was taking the shape it was taking. i was just a devotee of the site ever since i met the people involved in it. the community dosens who offer their time to school out of towners to the school of flight 93. one of the great privileges i had was to take jose poes out there with me who prevented the fifth terrorist from being aboard the flight. 18 minutes in travel time is all that separates shanksville from washington, d.c. >> it could have hit the capitol, the white house. who knows what it could have done. the people stopped it. you never know what you'd do in such a circumstance. we know what the people did. that's why we're honoring them, what hemingway called grace under pressure. these regular people stood up like soldiers. thank you, michael smerconish. >> thank you for putting up the information. >> that website again, when we return "let me