bucks worth of spending cuts -- >> actually 10-1 sthth. >> and $1 worth of taxes and all nine of them said no, that is absurd. that's not responsible government. it's fakery. >> going into this presidential campaign year it makes it harder to conceive of real compromise on the tough issues. what happens iffing nothing is? >> it will be a riot. there will be hatchet woes on defense and non-defense. >> coming out of the debt ceiling compromise? it's automatic? >> yes, because if you can't get it done and you have a great guy like leon panetta running the defense department he'll get in there and do things himself. he's smart, been on the budget committees, he's the sharpest knife in the drawer, leave him alone. don't just come down and cut a great chunk out of the defense and cut a great chunk out of non-defense. people will go crazy if that happens and should and they'll