for a spell. find out what the science is before you start putting the american economy in jeopardy. >> susan page, did rick perry make an effective push back at jon huntsman on the science point, there's plenty of democrats mocking perry about the galileo comment. i'm talking about a republican electorate, was rick perry effective in using galileo? >> this is my ninth presidential campaign. first one i ever got to write the word galileo in a debate story. thank you for that. i think he did not -- he was so confident when he was talking about jobs and other things. i don't think he conveyed that same confidence and certainty and clearly thought out answer when it came to the issue of climate change. even though there are lots of people in the republican party who have questions about the human role in global warming, i don't think that was an effective answer. if he gets this question again, which he will, i think we'll probably see him work on that