tax credits to businesses for hiring new employees. there is common ground. they can act on that and he should stress there is common ground. room for bipartisanship, but he also needs to say some bold things about what a democratic president believes should be done to create jobs so the voters can make an intelligent choice next fall. it's not too early to do that. >> okay. yeah. one thing i like about john, historic sense. roosevelt had three stages. i think the american people would understand that. first of all, relief. people desperately looking for work besides more unemployment. and, two, recovery and then reconstruction. don't get the three layers confused. he's got to do something about the jobs right now. what president obama said this weekend in a speech of what it could include in terms of both republicans and democrats can get behind. he said, the president speak at a labor day rally in detroit teasing about what his strategy will be coming off this speech.