have turned their lives upside down. >> we are on the verge of financial ruin. we could be looking at homelessness. >> instead of dreaming about their golden years, software engineer mark decoursey and his wife, carol, spend sleepless nights worrying about their future. >> it has been an absolute nightmare. the person that we blame for it is the real estate agent who swore to us repeatedly that this contracting company was the best that he's seen. >> that agent is this man, paul stickney, who they blame for what has become a three-year nightmare. >> i wanted to talk to you about a story we're doing about the decourseys. >> yes. >> and about the fact that you were financially involved with the contractor that they hired. >> the decourseys say their problems began in october 2004. like millions of americans who relocate each year, they placed their trust in a real estate agent, who helped them find this house in redmond, washington.