violations? two, does the federal government have to step in to protect people's rights, and three, does the governor have to make a pledge to personally attend the transportation needs of every single state resident? if you've answered yes to any of these questions, you just might be a south carolinaen. south carolina's republican-controlled state legislature and republican governor have passed and signed a new voter i.d. law to have a photo i.d. in order to vote, which is something almost 200,000 people in the state don't have. 200,000 people who are otherwise qualified to vote. 200,000 people who, if an election were held today, could not vote in the state of south carolina. in the absence of any evidence of systemic voter fraud in any election at any level, people are comparing this latest barrier to voting to the notorious jim crow laws of the late 1800s and early 1900s, and