many of the so-called tax expenditures. >> now, with all respect, governor, and you know i'm a democrat who's also supportive of entitlements reforms as well as tax increases to do the fiscal mix we need. both sides are locked in to their ideology and litmus tests on either side. a lot of people think we need a third political force to shake things up. about 20 seconds left. do you think there's actually going to be an independent candidate that emerges to try and fill what at least the polls say is a real void in the kind of extreme center frustrated with what's offered on both sides when people feel they're getting a lot of flimflam? >> i'd be very, very surprised and i think it best chance frankly for our republic, is for the republican party to adopt a position that is full floated for growth. it's the only place the revenue can come from and also very candid about what needs to be done to trim down current spending, our future promises,