jim demint. obama hasn't taken many of the invites from the tea party and the tea party folks think he is not dancing with them and really speaking to their issues. i think we really will have to see going forward what he has to do with perry. whether or not he will try to distance himself from the tea party. i mean the race he has run so far is really one that is aimed at obama. and i think the void that perry feels some n some way is that he actually gins up the liberal base. he em bodies what democrats really say is the republican party. they're going to run a race that basically says republicans and tea party are one in the same. so you have rick perry for democrats being able to embody that argument. >> let me ask you, casey, the politics nation question of the night. does romney take down perry or he does wait and have perry take himself down? >> i think you got to wait and

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